martes, 3 de diciembre de 2013

EVA - Siri for Android v3.20 APK

NEW VERSION, BIG IMPROVEMENTS, NEW COMMANDS! EVA absolutely blows awayGoogle NOW, and every other assistant Siri when it comes to useful features.

EVA DESCRIPTION - (Siri for Android) v3.20 APK ? * If you have not tried it yet what are you waiting

is the only assistant who has a way of self dedicated and literally over a hundred more features than the rest.

browse through the list of commands and I see that it is no lie that EVA is the leader when it comes to useful features: http://www.eva4android .com / quickstart

EVA is a must have app if you use your voice to increase productivity. It's like Siri, but with so many really useful features that you'll wonder why not come in series with Android .Includes a way to drive exclusive which is very useful if you want to use your phone while driving.
is an intelligent application that makes your phone much smarter. It includes a powerful feature that lets you switch profiles a lot of adjustments to your phone within seconds by changing the profile.

More than 30 music videos on YouTube (link below) that guide you though all aspects of the application . Take the 28-day free trial you can not prove it in a few hours, much less a week. Read reviews to see what other people are saying and if you like, please tell yourfamily , friends and co- work .

Who should use EVA? If you are looking for an application that provides a performanceheadset for your phone, then EVA is right for you. If you are looking for a friend to chat with electronics please go with one of Siri clones. On the other hand, if you want a real virtual assistant that has useful functions that will make your life easier then please give EVA a try.

[More information on Google Play ]

* Video Channel:
Command List:


Download EVA - (Siri for Android) v3.20 APK

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