Free APK Dsoid v1.9.13 Android full, you can download Dsoid .Apk Android 1.9.13 full free, download Dsoid for Android 1.9.13 in .Apk, Dsoid APK, full version of the emulator Application Dsoid .Apk Android, Android Dsoid v1.9.13 APK.This is the first Nintendo DS emulator for Android with dynarec.
Please email me if you have any problems. I can not really fix the errors if you just posted a 1 star review saying it crashes.
Other features to be added
-Save the United
Save files do not work though. So you can save on the
storage points, but you can not pause the game and create a
save the state
Based out of DeSmuME and dynarec Exophase
What's in this version?
Download Dsoid.APK Android [Full] [Free]
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