lunes, 17 de junio de 2013

Gunship III v3.0.2 APK Free

Gunship III v3.0.2 APK Free

Free APK Android Gunship III v3.0.2 full, you can download Android 3.0.2 Gunship III full free, download Gunship III v3.0.2 for Android in .Apk, full version of the game Gunship III v3.0.2 Android apk, Android APK Gunship III v3.0.2.

immerse yourself in the fog of war in Vietnam as a helicopter pilot states.

Be part of the new tactical air mobility are widely used helicopters to insert troops into battle, transport equipment and weapons to the most remote places or low dangerous missions Hunter-Killer.


Unlike other flight sim games for mobile devices, in Gunship-III of the cabin is ultra-realistic simulated 3D cockpit, dashboard complete function, realistic sound effects and all moving parts.

Flight characteristics are also very accurate thanks to the blade element theory. Wings are breaking into several small pieces and then determine the forces in each of these small elements. These forces are integrated over the whole wing in order to obtain the forces and moments produced by the entire wing. This results in a highly dynamic flight model, must be specified for each aircraft.

Although the helicopter controls are simplified and stabilized, you can still do many advanced maneuvers such as AutoRotation, high commercial speed, comes hot and landing, etc.

Even you can feel all the forces affecting the pilot's body with the effect of pilot head that could only be found in high-end PC flight simulator.

The graphics are very detailed for the city, jungle, air bases. Each map has 200x200 kilometers can fly zone. In Gunship III-all in real scale, each city has thousands of trees and houses.


In Gunship-III, which has more aircraft available to play more than any other game. We are working hard to bring even more aircraft and land vehicles and up updates.


Weapons systems Gunship-III are also very detailed and accurate real recorded sounds, high rate of machine gun fire as a result of the explosion of bombs and rockets.

Artificial Intelligence (AI)

In Gunship-III, never flies alone. Each mission has many AI aircraft will join the mission and perform many advanced tasks, such as Close Air Support, Escort, Patrol and Transport.

And actual gunship, you will AI gunners on board, to be shot in any shooting at them and make sure nothing could touch his plane.

The enemy is aggressive and brave, shoot only when you get close and be aware of the RPG, safe to take a plane down with just one hit.

Overall, Gunship-III is an aerial combat game advanced simulation Vietnam War with many features are now available for the first time mobile gaming.


AI advanced performance aircraft combat tasks.

360 3D cockpit view zoom.

Fully functioning cockpit avionics.

Pilot G visuals.

Long flight autopilot.

Weapons system: machine gun, rockets, smoke grenades ...

Details graphics with cities, trees, ground troops on a large map of 200x200 km.

Five missions realistic and detailed Vietnam War, including: troop transport, Hunter-Killer, Forward Air Controller, transport of heavy equipment and more coming soon.

The full version has 7 flyable helicopters H-19 Chickasaw, Choctaw H-34, CH-47 Chinook, UH-1D Huey, OH-6A Cayuse, UH-1B Huey Gunship, AH-1W Cobra and more coming soon.

What's New in version

Add mission 7 and A-1 Skyraider

New Pleiku Air Base and map

2-3 and unlock mission 4

Chinook sling easier to catch


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